IOT Connect Platform | Dashboard Solution Features

Our IOT Connect Platform features a range of practical functionalities including:

  • Attributes – platform ability to assign custom key-value attributes to your entities (e.g configuration, data processing, visualization parameters). IOT Connect Platform has been designed to support these attributes.
  • Telemetry – API for collection of time-series data and related use cases.
  • Entities and relations – platform ability to model physical world objects (e.g. devices and assets) and relations between them.
  • Data Visualization – covers data visualization capabilities: Widgets, Dashboards, Dashboard states.
  • Rule engine – covers data processing & actions on incoming telemetry and events.
  • RPC – API and widgets to push commands from your apps and dashboards to devices and vice versa.
  • Audit log – tracking of user activity and API calls usage.
  • API Limits – controlling API usage, by limiting number of requests from single host during single time unit.
  • Advanced Filters – filters over entity fields, attributes and latest telemetry.
  • Straight Forward UI – Easy Intuitive User Interface – Enabling easy management of your IOT devices and gateways.

IOT Connect Platform

IOT Platform provides Multiple options for management. We have developed three different management dashboards, System Administrator, Tenant administrator and Customer. System Administrator can configure rules for Tenants and Customers.

1- IOT Platform System Administrator Dashboard

IOT Platform

2- Customer Dashboard

IOT Platform

3- Tenant Dashboard

IOT Platform


IOT Platform Provisioning Devices

For simplicity, we demonstrate here how to manually provision a device using our intuitive User Interface (UI).

  • Login to your IOT Connect Platform Dashboard and open the Devices page.
  • Click on the “+” icon in the top right corner of the table and then select “Add new device”.
  • Input device name. For example, “My New Device”. No other changes required at this time. Click “Add” to add the device.
  • Now your device should be listed first, since the table sort devices using the time of the creation by default.
  • Bulk Provisioning to provision multiple devices from a CSV file using UI;
  • Device Provisioning to allow device firmware to automatically provision the device, so you don’t need to configure each device manually;
  • REST API to provision devices and other entities programmatically;

IOT Connect Platform

IOT Connect Platform Connecting Devices

To connect the device you need to get the device credentials first. IOT Connect Platform Dashboards support various device credentials. We recommend using default auto-generated credentials which is access token for this guide.

  • Click on the device row in the table to open device details
  • Click “Copy access token”. Token will be copied to your clipboard. Save it to a safe place.
Once you have successfully published the “temperature” readings, you should immediately see them in the Device Telemetry Tab:
  • Click on the device row in the table to open device details
  • Navigate to the telemetry tab.

Creating Empty Dashboards

  • Open the Dashboards page. Click on the “+” icon in the top right corner. Select “Create New Dashboard”.
  • Input dashboard name. For example, “My New Dashboard”. Click “Add” to add the dashboard.
  • Now your dashboard should be listed first, since the table sorts dashboards using the time of the creation by default. Click on the “Open dashboard” icon.

Alias is a reference to a single entity or group of entities that are used in the widgets. Alias may be static or dynamic. For simplicity, we will use “Single entity” alias references the one and only entity (“My New Device” in our case). It is possible to configure an alias that references multiple devices. For example, devices of a certain type or related to a certain asset.

  • Enter edit mode. Click on the pencil button in the bottom right corner.
  • Click the “Entity Aliases” icon in the top right part of the screen. You will see an empty list of Entity aliases.
  • Click “Add alias”.
  • Input alias name, for example, “MyDevice”. Select the “Single entity” Filter type. Select “Device” as Type and type “My New” to enable autocomplete. Choose your device from the auto-complete and click on it.
  • Click “Add” and then “Save”.
  • Finally, click “Apply changes” in the dashboard editor to save the changes. Then you should enter edit mode again.

IOT Connect Platform

To add the table widget we need to select it from the widget library. Widgets are grouped into widget bundles. Each widget has a data source. This is how the widget “knows” what data to display. To see the latest value of our “temperature” data that we sent during step 2, we should configure the data source.

  • Enter edit mode. Click on the “Add new widget” button.
  • Select the “Cards” widget bundle. Select the “Latest values” tab. Click on the header of the Entities widget. The “Add Widget” window will appear.
  • Click “Add” to add the data source. A widget may have multiple data sources, but we will use only one in this case.
  • Select “MyDevice” entity alias. Then click on the input field on the right. The auto-complete with available data points will appear. Select “temperature” data point and click “Add”.
  • Resize the widget to make it a little bigger. Just drag the bottom right corner of the widget. You can also play with the advanced settings if you would like to edit the widget.

You have now added the first widget. It is that simple. You can now send the new telemetry reading and it will immediately appear in the table.

Adding Chart Widgets

To add the chart widget we need to select it from the widget library. Chart widget displays multiple historical values of the same data key (“temperature” in our case). We should also configure the time window to use the chart widget.

  • Enter Edit mode.
  • Click the “Add new widget” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Click the “Create new widget” icon.
  • Select the “Charts” bundle. Scroll down and click on the “Timeseries – Flot” chart widget.
  • Click the “Add Datasource” button.
  • Select “MyDevice” Alias. Select the “temperature” key. Click “Add”.
  • Drag and Drop your widget to the desired space. Resize the widget. Apply changes.
  • Publish different telemetry values multiple times Step 2. Note that the widget displays only one minute of data by default.
  • Enter Edit mode. Open time selection window. Change the interval and aggregation function. Update the time window and apply changes.

You have now added a chart widget. It is that simple. You can now send the new telemetry reading and it will immediately appear in the table.

Adding Alarm Widgets To IOT Connect Platform:

  • Enter Edit mode.
  • Click the “Add new widget” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Click the “Create new widget” icon.
  • Select the “Alarm widgets” bundle. Click on the “Alarms” widget header.
  • Select the “Entity” alarm source and “MyDevice” alias. Click “Add”
  • Scroll down and locate the new “Alarms” widget. Drag and Drop widget to the top right corner of the dashboard.
  • Resize the widget and apply changes.

Configuring Custom Alarm Rules On IOT Connect Platform:

We will use the alarm rules feature to raise alarm when the temperature reading is greater than 25 degrees. For this purpose, we should edit the device profile and add a new alarm rule. The “My New Device” is using the “Default” device profile. We recommend creating dedicated device profiles for each corresponding device type but will skip this step for simplicity.

  • Navigate to the device profiles page.
  • Click the default profile row. This will open device profile details.
  • Select the “Alarm Rules” tab and toggle edit mode.
  • Click “Add alarm rule”.
  • Specify alarm type and click the “+” icon to add alarm rule condition.
  • Click the “Add key filter” button to specify a condition.
  • Select key type, input key name, select value type, and click “Add”.
  • Select operation and input threshold value. Click “Add”.
  • Click “Save”.
  • Finally, click “Apply changes”.
IOT Connect can assist you in creating Alarm Rules according to your needs.

Creating Alarms

Now our alarm rule is active (see Step 4), and we should send new telemetry on behalf of the device (see Step 2) to trigger the alarm. Note that the temperature value should be 26 or higher to raise the alarm. Once we send a new temperature reading, we should immediately see a new alarm on our dashboard.

  • Notice that the new temperature telemetry causes a new active alarm.
  • User may acknowledge and clear the alarms.

Alarm Notifications

It is quite easy to configure email or SMS notifications for alarms. We recommend reviewing alarm rule examples and documentation about alarm notifications.

Note: At the moment IOT Platform Dashboards supports AWS SNS and Twilio to send SMS. Both services are paid services and require you to create an account with your choice of suppliers. However, you may integrate with other SMS/EMAIL gateways using REST API call node.

IOT Platform

IOT Connect can configure custom Rule Chains to send Notifications according to your needs whether you want notifications through either SMS or Email.

Configuration of the Root Rule Chain is typically as follows:

IOT Platform

Assigning Devices and Dashboards For Selected Customer

One of the most important IOT Platform Dashboards features is the ability to assign Dashboards to individual Customers. You may assign different devices to different customers. Then, you may create a Dashboard(s) and assign it to multiple customers. Each customer user will see his own devices and will not be able to see devices or any other data that belongs to a different customer. Our system provide a complete hierarchy solution.

Create A Customer

Let’s create a customer with title “My New Customer”. Please see instruction below:

  • Navigate to the Customers page.
  • Click the “+” sign to add a customer.
  • Add customer title and click “Add”.

Let’s assign a device to a specific Customer. The Customer users will then have ability to read and write telemetry and send commands to devices.

  • Open Devices page. Click “Assign to customer” for “My New Device”.
  • Select “My New Customer” and click “Assign”.

Let’s share our dashboard with the Customer. The Customer users will have read-only access to the Dashboard.

  • Open Dashboards. Click “Manage assigned customers”.
  • Select “My New Customer” and click “Update”.

Creating A New Customer User

Finally, let’s create a user that will belong to the customer and will have read-only access to the dashboard and the device. You may optionally configure the dashboard to appear just after user login to the platform web UI.

  • Navigate back to the “Customers” page and click the “manage customer users” icon.
  • Click the “Add user” icon.
  • Specify email that you will use to login as a customer user and click “Add”.
  • Copy the activation link and save it to a safe place. You will use it later to set the password.
  • Open user details.
  • Toggle edit mode.
  • Select default dashboard and check “Always fullscreen”. Apply changes.
  • Use the activation link to set the password. Click “Create Password”. You will automatically login as a customer user.
  • You have logged in as a Customer User. You may browse the data and acknowledge/clear alarms.

Here is a sample of some of the Widgets which we can configure for you according to your requirements. It is virtually limitless.


IOT Connect offer custom services to get your managed environment up and running. Speak to our Sales Team to day about your project requirements.

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IOT Connect is an initiative of Smartsys Technology and Managed Solutions